Disrepair claims
Disrepair is when a property or building is in a poor condition and needs to be maintained or repaired.

Maintaining and repairing your home
We are responsible for certain repairs and safety checks. Find out more about what repairs we are responsible for.
If something in your home that we are responsible for needs maintaining or repairing, you can report a repair.
If you feel like we have not maintained and repaired your home
You can make a complaint. Find out more about our complaints procedure.
Claims management companies
These companies may contact you about making a claim against Gentoo. These companies may claim to work for us and may send a surveyor to your home. We are not connected to these companies and they do not work for us.
If you enter into a legal relationship with these companies, you may be at substantial financial risk.
When we visit your home
We will always let you know if we are coming to your home to complete any work. This will either be a letter, text message or phone call.
Always ask to see a tradesperson’s identification. Call us on 0191 525 5000 and select option 2 if you would like to confirm someone’s identity.
Accessing your home
If you decide to make a disrepair claim, your solicitor may tell you to refuse us access to your home.
It is part of your tenancy agreement to allow us or our contractors access to your home to complete repairs or other works.
If you stop us from accessing your home, you will breach your tenancy agreement and we will take legal action. You may need to pay our legal costs.