The 53-week calendar
In 2024-2025, there are 53 weeks in the financial year, not 52. If you pay your rent monthly, Find out more about what 53-week calendar means for you

In 2024-2025, there are 53 weeks in the financial year, not 52. This means that if you pay your rent monthly, you’ll need to adjust your calculation, or you could fall into rent arrears.
The rent letter you received from us in February tells you your weekly rent amount between 1 April 2024, and 31 March 2025. Working out your monthly payments is a little different this year.
How to calculate my monthly rent
Multiply your weekly rent amount by 53, then divide by 12.
Usually you’d multiply by 52 and divide by 12, but this year it’s 53. Simply multiplying by four won’t give you the right amount.
Why is it different this year?
There are 53 weeks in the upcoming financial year, instead of the usual 52. This happens every five to six years where there’s an extra Monday.
What if I pay by monthly direct debit?
If you pay by Direct Debit you don’t need to do anything. We’ll do this calculation for you and automatically adjust your payments.
We will send you a letter with your new direct debit payment on. If you have any questions or concerns about your monthly direct debit, call our Income Services Team on 0191 525 2765.
I pay my rent myself monthly
If you pay by standing order, or at a pay point, you need to make the adjustment yourself, to know the monthly amount. If you simply multiply your weekly amount by four weeks, you won’t have the correct monthly figure, and you’ll fall behind on payments.
How do I know my weekly rent amount?
We sent you a letter in February explaining the upcoming rent for 2024/25. If you’re not sure, please contact your Neighbourhood Coordinator or call us on 0191 525 5000 and selecting option 4.
What if I claim Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is currently calculated on a 52-week basis.
Unless the rules are changed before 1 April 2024, the only way to avoid falling into arrears is to pay a little extra each week or month to ensure your rent is covered.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Neighborhood Coordinator direct or call us on 0191 525 5000 and select option 4.
What if I claim housing benefit?
If you get Housing Benefit, nothing will change. As mentioned in your rent letter we have sent your new charges to your local council, and they will update how much Housing Benefit you get.
If you are worried about not being able to pay your rent
We understand that sometimes our customers, through no fault of their own, find themselves in financial difficulties. Whatever your financial situation, we can help. Our Money Matters Team can work with you to help you manage your money. The service is free, and you do not have to be in debt to use it.
The team will give you all the support and advice you need and may refer you to other support organisations that can help. To contact them, call 0300 123 2004 or email
Calls will cost the same as a call to a landline number and will be included as part of any inclusive minutes on your mobile phone package.