Rent and service charges 2025 to 2026

Increasing rent is not an easy decision but necessary to meet rising costs and allow us to continue to maintain our 30,000 properties. We understand that sometimes our customers can find themselves in financial difficulties and we are here to help in those circumstances. 

Whatever your financial situation, we can help. Our Money Matters Team can work with you to help you manage your money. The service is free, and you do not have to be in debt to use it.

The team will give you all the support and advice you need and may refer you to other support organisations that can help. To contact them, call 0300 123 2004 or email Calls will cost the same as a call to a landline number and will be included as part of any inclusive minutes on your mobile phone package.

Find out more about how we can help you to manage your money.


We calculate rent increases based on a formula set by government. This is based on the Consumer Price Index from September 2024 plus 1%. The Consumer Price Index measures changes in prices paid by consumers for goods and services.

Find out more about how we set rents and service charges.

Why we have changed your rent

We need to make sure the money we get from rent is enough to pay for services to manage, maintain, repair and improve your home. In 2024-25, we are investing more than £77 million in ensuring our homes are of the best standard.

However, the costs for us to provide these services have increased. Below are some examples of items we may use to repair and improve your home and how much they have increased.

  • Average cost of bringing an empty home to the lettable standard by 20%
  • A roof replacement and roof repair costs by 17%
  • A kitchen and bathroom replacement by 15% 

Service charges

Service charges pay for communal services in a building, like lifts, lighting and grounds maintenance. If you have a service charge, your service charge statement for 2025 to 2026 is included with this letter. It will state whether a service charge is eligible for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit.

If your service charge statement has a value for ‘Landlord contribution to communal charges’, this is how much we contribute so what you pay does not increase by more than £5 a week.

Find out more about how we set rents and service charges.

Why we have changed your service charges

We need to make sure the money we get is enough to pay for communal services.

Your service charge statement may have an entry for ‘Landlord contribution to communal charges’. This is how much we have contributed to your service charges so the amount you pay does not increase by more than £5 a week.

How we spent your rent and service charges in 2023-24

In the last financial year, we spent:

  • £38.1 million to maintain and repair our properties
  • £47.9 million to invest in our properties
  • £23.3 million in running costs
  • £31 million to repay interest and loans
  • £4.4 million to pay for communal services

Paying your rent charge and other charges

If you pay by Direct Debit, we will update it and allpay will send you a letter about how much we will collect from your bank and when we will collect it.

You can now receive Direct Debit notifications by email. If we have your email address, you will receive an email from allpay to verify this. If you would like us to add or update your email address, call us on 0191 525 2765 or email 

If you pay by standing order, you must update it in your bank account with your new payment amount. If you need a paper form for your bank, call our Income Services Team on 0191 525 2765 or email 

Find out more about the different ways to pay your rent at

Further support

We consulted with customers to find out what information they wanted to see in their rent letter. Customers asked for information on what support is available from Gentoo and our partners, so we’ve pulled together the information below.

Managing your money

Our Money Matters Team offers a free service to give you all the advice and support you need to make the most of your money. The service is available to all customers, and you do not have to be in debt to use it.

This includes:

  • help to claim benefits you are entitled to
  • working with you to deal with debt and arranging payment plans
  • support with claims and appeals help applying for grants
  • energy advice that can help reduce costs and tackle fuel debt

To contact us for support:

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, and your safety is our priority. We deal with all claims confidentially and as a priority.

To report domestic abuse, you can:

If you need urgent support or are in an emergency, you can call:

Antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is anything that causes or is likely to cause you to feel alarmed, distressed, intimidated or harassed. It includes issues such as threatening behaviour, criminal or illegal activity, hate crime and serious disagreements between neighbours. Any information you give us is confidential unless we are legally required to report it.

We will respond quickly and decisively, investigate issues and get involved as early as possible to prevent an escalation. We will offer support, mediate disputes and involve or refer to other agencies.

To report antisocial behaviour, you can:

If you need urgent support or are in an emergency, you can call the police on 999 or 101

Mental health support

Looking after your mental health is important and so is accessing the right support.

You can now call NHS 111 and select option 2 for urgent mental health support, if you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis.

NHS 111 is available 24/7.

Visit contact-us/urgent-help for details of important mental health organisations based in the Sunderland area that you can contact if you’re in need of support.

Health and mobility assessments

We assess vulnerable and disabled customers so we can support you in your home. An assessment helps us to find out what your specific needs are so we can:

  • give you the best possible advice
  • find out how to adapt your home
  • assess whether a priority move would be more suitable for you

Call us on 0191 525 5000 and select option 4. We will refer you to a Support Coordinator who will contact you to arrange an assessment.

Get further support on energy costs, wellbeing for young people, help furnishing your home, fraud, support for veterans and more.

*Calls will cost the same as a call to a landline number and will be included as part of any inclusive minutes on your mobile phone package.

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