New expert panel launched to help social housing landlords tackle antisocial behaviour

Social housing landlords will be “given support to tackle antisocial behaviour through a new advisory group”.

Housing Minister Eddie Hughes has announced a new panel of experts to advise on the best approach for dealing with antisocial behaviour from tenants who suffer from mental health issues, or drug and alcohol dependency.

The panel, which Gentoo is part of, will bring together organisations from across the sector to identify how landlords and local support services work together and provide early intervention for vulnerable perpetrators – helping to reduce the 1.5 million incidents of antisocial behaviour recorded and cut reoffending.

Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing Eddie Hughes, said: “No one should have to live in fear of antisocial behaviour and putting a stop to this is vital to our mission to level up the country.

“We are committed to protecting tenants from antisocial behaviour, as set out in the Charter for Social Housing Residents.

“That’s why I’m pleased to welcome members of our new panel whose expertise will help inform landlords and other services how to deliver positive change for their tenants, alongside our new reforms to improve social housing standards.”

Susie Thompson, Executive Director of Housing at Gentoo said: “As a Group we take a fair but firm approach to antisocial behaviour. It’s not all about enforcement, it’s about supporting those who are living in our communities but struggling with complex needs which can manifest into antisocial behaviour.

“We look at the root cause of behaviours and provide support for mental health, drug and alcohol issues to ensure our tenants are able to sustain their tenancies and live within the community.

“We are pleased to be part of this new Anti-Social Behaviour Panel and look forward to working together with partners to help deliver positive change for our tenants”

The Anti-Social Behaviour Panel will commence in Summer 2022. The group aim to publish its good practice guidelines for social housing landlords and the wider sector on tackling antisocial behaviour by vulnerable perpetrators, in Autumn 2022.

The Anti-Social Behaviour Panel member organisations include:

  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
  • Home Office
  • Anti-Social Behaviour Help
  • Aster Housing
  • Gentoo Group Housing
  • The Local Government Association
  • National Federation of ALMOs
  • Network Homes
  • Resolve
  • SHAL
  • Sovereign Housing

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