Gender pay gap 2022

All organisations with over 250 employees must publish their gender pay gap figures. In 2022, we had 999 staff members, 585 were male and 414 were female.

Gender pay gap data

The gender pay gap is the difference in the average pay between men and women in an organisation. This is different from equal pay, which is the entitlement to being paid the same as someone doing work of equal value. We pay all staff members in the same role equally, regardless of gender or protected characteristics.

The information below is based on pay data as of April 2022.

Mean and median gender pay gap

The median hourly rate for women was 9.4% lower than the median hourly rate for men. The median is the middle of all the hourly rates when you list them in numerical order.

The median hourly rate is £15.31 for women and £16.90 for men.

Proportion of males and females in each pay band

In each pay band, or pay quartile, there are:

  • 120 women and 130 men in the lower quarter
  • 140 women and 110 men in the lower-middle quarter
  • 64 women and 186 men in the upper-middle quarter
  • 90 women and 159 men in the upper quarter

Proportion of bonuses

All the staff who got a bonus work in the sales function of Gentoo Homes. There were 6 women and 2 men who got bonuses, which is 1.4% of women and 0.3% of men.

The average bonus pay for women is 48.9% higher than the average bonus pay for men.

The average bonus pay was £3,574 for women and £2,399.50 for men.

Understanding the gender pay gap

More men than women worked for Gentoo. If we paid all employees equally, there may still be a gender pay gap because of the split within the workforce.

We also had a higher proportion of men than women in the upper and upper-middle pay quarters. This included roles in construction and site management, so we continue to review how we recruit for these roles to attract more women.

There continued to be a higher proportion of women in the lower-middle pay quarter, but this was 3.4% lower than in 2021.

The data for bonus pay continued to show a gap in favour of women. This is because we appointed a women to a senior management role that was previously held by a man.

Reducing the gender pay gap

We have initiatives in place to reduce our gender pay gap. Our initiatives include:

  • talent management initiatives
  • a review of our recruitment approach to trade roles and senior positions to make sure we attract more women in these areas
  • monitoring important data in recruitment, internal promotions and talent management
  • interim checks of our gender pay gap data to make sure we use real-time analysis and further initiatives where suitable

We are committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and we will continually complete activities to promote and improve these areas across Gentoo. We will continue to take action to make a positive difference to our gender pay gap.

This information is accurate and was calculated using the methods set out in the gender pay gap reporting legislation.

Louise Bassett
Interim Chief Executive
25 January 2023