Gender pay gap
Organisations with more than 250 employees must publish their gender pay gap figures.
This information is based on pay data within Gentoo Group and Gentoo Homes on 5 April 2023.

Gender pay gap and equal pay
The Gender Pay Gap (GPG) looks at the difference in the average pay of men and women in an organisation. This is different from Equal Pay which is where men and women are paid the same pay for the same work. Gentoo pays employees who are performing the same role equally, regardless of gender or any other protected characteristic.
All organisations employing over 250 employees are required to publish their GPG figures.
The information set out below is based on pay data within the group as at 5 April 2023.
Our staff
We employed 993 people.
419 or 42.2% were women and 574 or 57.8% were men.
Hourly pay
Average hourly rate
The average hourly rate for women was 8.3% lower than the average hourly rate for men.
The average hourly rate is £17.25 for women and £18.80 for men.
Median hourly rate
The median hourly rate for women was 9.2% lower than the median hourly rate for men. The median is the middle of all the hourly rates when you list them in numerical order.
The median hourly rate is £16.11 for women and £17.75 for men.
Pay quarters
Upper quarter
There are 83 women and 165 men in the upper quarter (33.5% women, 66.5% men)
Upper-middle quarter
There are 68 women and 180 men in the upper-middle quarter (27.4% women, 72.6% men)
Lower-middle quarter
There are 133 women and 115 men in the lower-middle quarter (53.6% women, 46.4% men)
Lower quarter
There are 135 women and 114 men in the lower quarter (54.2% women, 45.8% men)
The only staff who received bonuses at Gentoo work within the sales function of Gentoo Homes.
Overall, we had 5 employees that received a bonus:
There were 3 women and 2 men who got bonuses, which is 0.7% of women and 0.3% of men.
Average bonus pay
The average bonus pay for women is 37.8% higher than the average bonus pay for men.
The average bonus pay was £795 for women and £1,277.50 for men.
Median bonus pay
The median difference in bonus payments within the Group is 19.7%.
The median bonus pay was £1,026 for women and £1,278 for men.
Why is this?
At 9.2%, Gentoo Group continue to remain considerably below the UK median Gender Pay Gap (GPG) of 14.9%.
There are several key reasons behind the Group’s current GPG data.
Firstly, we have a larger male (57.8%) workforce than female (42.2%) workforce. It is possible that even when you pay all employees equally that an organisation may have a GPG simply because of the gender split within the workforce.
This point is emphasised by the significantly higher proportion of males than females currently employed in the upper (66.5%), upper mid quartiles (72.6%). We do have some roles within the upper mid and upper quartiles that have significantly higher proportion of male than female employees. For example, roles within construction, site management, and compliance trade roles. We continue to review our approach to all recruitment campaigns to attract greater female representation.
There continues to be a slightly higher proportion of females in the lower mid (53.6%) quartile, however this has decreased by 2.4% on the previous year.
Within the upper quartile there is a higher proportion of males 66.5% in 2023, compared to 63.9% in 2022 however we expect to see an increase in the number of females in the upper quartile following a number of senior appointments (from April 2023 onwards).
There are significant changes in bonus figures from 2022 due to the consolidation of bonus payments into base salary for 3 female colleagues at Senior Leadership level.
Mitigating the GPG
We have several initiatives in place to mitigate our gender pay gap, these include:
- Continue to support and promote equity, diversity and belonging at Gentoo Group including working with several network communities.
- We are committed to regularly benchmark our roles to ensure they are fair and reflective of the sector.
- Review of our recruitment approach to trade roles and senior positions to ensure we can attract greater female representation within these areas.
- Reviewing recruitment materials to ensure bias is removed through the use of gender-neutral language.
- Ongoing learning and development in place for all colleagues.
- Gender monitoring of a range of key people data such as recruitment, internal promotion and talent management initiatives.
- Promoting and continuously reviewing the policies we have in place to support life events which disproportionately effect women.
- Interim checks of GPG data to ensure real time analysis and the implementation of further initiatives where applicable.
Gentoo is committed to the principles of equality, diversity and belonging and we will continue to undertake activities that promote this. We are continually undertaking activities to promote and improve equality, diversity and belonging across our business and, therefore, we will continue to take action that will make a positive difference to our gender pay gap.
The information provided is accurate and was calculated using the methods set out in the gender pay gap reporting legislation.
Louise Bassett
Group Chief Executive Officer
April 2024