Two new executive appointments confirmed

We’re delighted to have made two new appointments to our Executive Team this week.

Diane Carney has been appointed to the role of Executive Director of Property and Susie Thompson has been appointed to the role of Executive Director of Housing.

Formerly the Group’s Director of Property, Diane will continue with her responsibilities for Property Maintenance, Investment and Estate Services. Susie will progress from her current position as Director of Housing with responsibility for Housing Management and Tenancy Support Services, including victim support, domestic abuse, anti-social behaviour, wellbeing and the Group’s Money Matters service.

Both Diane and Susie have more than twenty years’ experience in social housing.  Diane spent her early career with Gentoo in housing operations and for the past five years she has held leadership positions in Property Maintenance and Property Investment. Susie’s career has been predominately in housing operations and for the past seven years she has led Gentoo’s housing operations teams providing services to our tenants.

Our latest appointments complete our new-look Executive Team, with Diane and Susie joining Nigel Wilson as Chief Executive Officer, Louise Bassett as Executive Director of Corporate Services, and Peter Lenehan as Executive Director of Finance.

Gentoo Group’s Chief Executive Officer, Nigel Wilson, commented:

“Diane and Susie have demonstrated outstanding leadership at Gentoo since I joined in 2019 and I am delighted the Board have recognised this by permanently appointing them to our Executive Team”.

 Gentoo Group’s Chair, Keith Loraine OBE, said of the appointments:

“I am absolutely delighted that the Board has confirmed the appointment of Diane Carney and Susie Thompson to the Group’s Executive Team.  The Group has taken some time to reflect on the requirements of the executive structure to ensure it is able to fully deliver its Corporate Strategy over the next five years, and these appointments are critical to the continuation of that journey”.

 “The Board recognises the significant contribution, commitment and leadership of both Diane and Susie, which has involved supporting the Executive Team and steering the Group’s Housing and Property functions through the global pandemic. The appointments also demonstrate Gentoo’s important commitment to invest in and develop its people. I would like to congratulate Diane and Susie on their appointments and wish them the best of luck in their new roles.”

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